Results for 'Kern R. Trembath'

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  1. Divine Revelation: Our Moral Relation with God.Kern R. Trembath - 1991
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    Radial distribution function of nuclei formed by condensation on a clean substrate.J. C. Zanghi, J. J. Metois & R. Kern - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 29 (5):1213-1220.
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    Correlation between nuclei on thin films during nucleation.J. J. Metois, J. C. Zanghi & R. Kern - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (1):133-142.
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    Collective behaviour of gold nuclei on KCl.J. C. Zanghi, J. J. Métois & R. Kern - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 31 (4):743-755.
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    Explanations, belief revision and defeasible reasoning.Marcelo A. Falappa, Gabriele Kern-Isberner & Guillermo R. Simari - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 141 (1-2):1-28.
    We present different constructions for nonprioritized belief revision, that is, belief changes in which the input sentences are not always accepted. First, we present the concept of explanation in a deductive way. Second, we define multiple revision operators with respect to sets of sentences (representing explanations), giving representation theorems. Finally, we relate the formulated operators with argumentative systems and default reasoning frameworks.
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    Retracted article: Systematic assessment of research on autism spectrum disorder and mercury reveals conflicts of interest and the need for transparency in autism research.Janet K. Kern, David A. Geier, Richard C. Deth, Lisa K. Sykes, Brian S. Hooker, James M. Love, Geir Bjørklund, Carmen G. Chaigneau, Boyd E. Haley & Mark R. Geier - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1689-1690.
    Historically, entities with a vested interest in a product that critics have suggested is harmful have consistently used research to back their claims that the product is safe. Prominent examples are: tobacco, lead, bisphenol A, and atrazine. Research literature indicates that about 80–90 % of studies with industry affiliation found no harm from the product, while only about 10–20 % of studies without industry affiliation found no harm. In parallel to other historical debates, recent studies examining a possible relationship between (...)
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    New Waves in Metaethics: Naturalist Realism, Naturalist Antirealism and Divine Commands.Daniel R. Kern - unknown
    This dissertation is an investigation into the ground of moral objectivity. My preliminary claim is that in order to be objective, moral properties must be real properties. The following question is, what kind of properties are moral properties? A number of recent philosophers have argued that moral properties are natural properties. ''Natural" in this context means " open to investigation and discovery by the senses or by empirical science." The natural properties proposed in the recent literature are connected to the (...)
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  8. The Logic of Salvation in the Gospel of John.Daniel R. Kern - 2015 - Philosophy and Theology 27 (1):171-187.
    I evaluate two claims; that (a) Jesus’ message as recorded in the gospels implies exclusivism with respect to salvation and that, correspondingly, (b) Christians should be exclusivists with respect to salvation. I evaluate these claims through a cataloguing and evaluation of the logical condition involved in each of the claims regarding conditions for salvation made by Jesus in the Gospel of John. As a result, I argue that (a) is false and that, correspondingly, so is (b).
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  9. Edmund Husserl. Darstellung seines Denkens.Rudolf Bernet, Iso Kern, Eduard Marbach, R. Bernet, I. Kern & E. Marbach - 1994 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 56 (4):786-789.
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    Conscious thought and the sustained attention to response task.William S. Helton, Rosalie P. Kern & Donieka R. Walker - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):600-607.
    We investigated the properties of the sustained attention to response task . In the SART, participants respond to frequent neutral signals and are required to withhold response to rare critical signals. We examined whether SART performance shows characteristics of speed–accuracy tradeoffs and in addition, we examined whether SART performance is influenced by prior exposure to emotional picture stimuli. Thirty-six participants in this study performed SARTs after being exposed to neutral and negative picture stimuli. Performance in the SART changed rapidly over (...)
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    How We Act. [REVIEW]Daniel R. Kern - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (2):418-419.
    The first chapter of the book is a helpful review of much of the current literature on action theory, focused around the idea of “volition.” Enç’s foil, set out in this chapter, is the existence of “irreducible mental acts”—acts that have no antecedent events as causes—as defended by proponents of agent causation. He claims he can fully account for human action without appeal to such acts.
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    Prioritized and Non-prioritized Multiple Change on Belief Bases.Marcelo A. Falappa, Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Maurício D. L. Reis & Guillermo R. Simari - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (1):77-113.
    In this article we explore multiple change operators, i.e., operators in which the epistemic input is a set of sentences instead of a single sentence. We propose two types of change: prioritized change, in which the input set is fully accepted, and symmetric change, where both the epistemic state and the epistemic input are equally treated. In both kinds of operators we propose a set of postulates and we present different constructions: kernel changes and partial meet changes.
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    Systematic Assessment of Research on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Mercury Reveals Conflicts of Interest and the Need for Transparency in Autism Research.Mark R. Geier, Boyd E. Haley, Carmen G. Chaigneau, Geir Bjørklund, James M. Love, Brian S. Hooker, Lisa K. Sykes, Richard C. Deth, David A. Geier & Janet K. Kern - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1691-1718.
    Historically, entities with a vested interest in a product that critics have suggested is harmful have consistently used research to back their claims that the product is safe. Prominent examples are: tobacco, lead, bisphenol A, and atrazine. Research literature indicates that about 80–90% of studies with industry affiliation found no harm from the product, while only about 10–20% of studies without industry affiliation found no harm. In parallel to other historical debates, recent studies examining a possible relationship between mercury exposure (...)
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  14. An ethical framework for global vaccine allocation.Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Govind Persad, Adam Kern, Allen E. Buchanan, Cecile Fabre, Daniel Halliday, Joseph Heath, Lisa M. Herzog, R. J. Leland, Ephrem T. Lemango, Florencia Luna, Matthew McCoy, Ole F. Norheim, Trygve Ottersen, G. Owen Schaefer, Kok-Chor Tan, Christopher Heath Wellman, Jonathan Wolff & Henry S. Richardson - 2020 - Science 1:DOI: 10.1126/science.abe2803.
    In this article, we propose the Fair Priority Model for COVID-19 vaccine distribution, and emphasize three fundamental values we believe should be considered when distributing a COVID-19 vaccine among countries: Benefiting people and limiting harm, prioritizing the disadvantaged, and equal moral concern for all individuals. The Priority Model addresses these values by focusing on mitigating three types of harms caused by COVID-19: death and permanent organ damage, indirect health consequences, such as health care system strain and stress, as well as (...)
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    Idee und Methode der Philosophie: Leitgedanken für eine Theorie der Vernunft.Iso Kern - 1975 - New York: De Gruyter.
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    Structural Inference from Conditional Knowledge Bases.Gabriele Kern-Isberner & Christian Eichhorn - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (4):751-769.
    There are several approaches implementing reasoning based on conditional knowledge bases, one of the most popular being System Z (Pearl, Proceedings of the 3rd conference on theoretical aspects of reasoning about knowledge, TARK ’90, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA, pp. 121–135, 1990). We look at ranking functions (Spohn, The Laws of Belief: Ranking Theory and Its Philosophical Applications, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012) in general, conditional structures and c-representations (Kern-Isberner, Conditionals in Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Belief Revision: (...)
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    Awareness under anesthesia during electroconvulsive therapy treatment.Prashant Gajwani, David Muzina, Kerning Gao & Joseph R. Calabrese - 2006 - Journal of ECT 22 (2):158-159.
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    Der gute Weg des Handelns: Versuch einer Ethik für die heutige Zeit.Iso Kern - 2020 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
    Ethisch gutes Handeln ist tätige Liebe, die vom Gewissen geleitet wird - das ist die Einsicht dieses Ethikentwurfs. Worin ein solches Handeln besteht, wird in allen ethisch relevanten Beziehungen untersucht. Ausgangspunkt ist, im Geiste von Husserls Phänomenologie, das erfahrende, wertende und handelnde Subjekt: Die Frage nach dem ethisch guten Handeln wird zur Frage nach dem Selbstverständnis des Ichs und der Bedeutung, welche die Mitmenschen und die Umwelt für es haben. So zeigt der Autor, wie ein ethisch gutes und somit glückliches (...)
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    Is There Social Consensus Regarding Researcher Conflicts of Interest?Zeynep G. Aytug, Hannah R. Rothstein, Mary C. Kern & Zhu Zhu - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (2):101-140.
    Consensus around what constitutes researcher conflicts of interest (COIs) and awareness of their influence on our research are two critical steps in ensuring the integrity of our science. In this research, data were collected from individual scholars via 2 surveys 5 years apart and from journals and associations to examine the level of social consensus and moral awareness among scholars, journals, and associations regarding researcher COIs. Although we observed increases in level of social consensus and moral awareness between 2012 and (...)
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    Four-year-olds’ visuospatial cognitive abilities and their relation to observer‑viewpoint gestures across three communicative tasks.Ulrich J. Boden, Friederike Kern, Sofia Koutalidis, Olga Abramov, Anne Nemeth, Stefan Kopp & Katharina J. Rohlfing - 2024 - Pragmatics and Cognition 31 (1):49-96.
    The gesture-as-simulated-action framework explains the occurrence of iconic gestures. Accordingly, simulated visual imagery gives rise to observer-viewpoint, whereas simulated motor imagery gives rise to character-viewpoint gestures. Because little is known about whether this relationship is either the product of becoming a competent speaker in different communicative tasks or exists from an early age, we investigated 4-year-olds. In the first session, 55 children performed three different communicative tasks. In the second session, we administered a SON-R non-verbal intelligence test to assess children’s (...)
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    Humaniora: Medizin - Recht - Geschichte: Festschrift für Adolf Laufs zum 70. Geburtstag.Adolf Laufs & Bernd-Rüdiger Kern (eds.) - 2006 - Berlin: Springer.
    Womit beschäftigt sich die medizinische Wissenschaft? Ich verstehe ja natürlich nichts davon, aber sie beschäftigt sich doch mit dem Menschen. Und die Juristerei, die Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung? Auch mit dem Menschen.
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  22. Gail Kern Paster. Humoring the Body: Emotions and the Shakespearean Stage.R. A. Erickson - 2006 - Early Science and Medicine 11 (2):237.
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    The Relation Between Cognitive Abilities and the Distribution of Semantic Features Across Speech and Gesture in 4‐year‐olds.Olga Abramov, Friederike Kern, Sofia Koutalidis, Ulrich Mertens, Katharina Rohlfing & Stefan Kopp - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (7):e13012.
    When young children learn to use language, they start to use their hands in co‐verbal gesturing. There are, however, considerable differences between children, and it is not completely understood what these individual differences are due to. We studied how children at 4 years of age employ speech and iconic gestures to convey meaning in different kinds of spatial event descriptions, and how this relates to their cognitive abilities. Focusing on spontaneous illustrations of actions, we applied a semantic feature (SF) analysis (...)
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    Christelijke geschiedbeschouwing AlS duiding Van traditie.R. Kuiper - 1995 - Philosophia Reformata 60 (2):79-98.
    De moderne geschiedwetenschap worstelt sinds haar ontstaan in de 19de eeuw met het probleem van het historisme. De resultaten van de moderne geschiedwetenschap werden aan het begin van de vorige eeuw met enthousiasme begroet en deden een ongekend grote belangstelling voor het verleden ontstaan. De ‘nieuwe’ historische methode, die bestond in een positivistische, empirisch-analytische aanpak, bleek in zijn toepassing echter een katalysator van een manifest relativisme in de geschiedwetenschap. De idealistische geschiedfilosofie werd erdoor ontmanteld, maar ook de geschiedenis zelf werd (...)
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    Parenting Adults with ASD: Lessons for Researchers and Clinicians.Cassandra R. Newsom, Amy S. Weitlauf, Cora M. Taylor & Zachary E. Warren - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (3):199-205.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Parenting Adults with ASD: Lessons for Researchers and CliniciansCassandra R. Newsom, Amy S. Weitlauf, Cora M. Taylor, and Zachary E. WarrenRecent reviews of treatments for individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) reveal how little we still know about how to help adolescents with ASD and their families successfully transition into adulthood (Shattuck et al., 2012b; Taylor et al., 2012a). Shattuck and colleagues found that services in the United States (...)
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    Klassiker der Archäologie: im Neudruck herausgegeben von F. Hiller von Gärtringen, G. Karo, O. Kern, C. Robert. Bd. III. L. Ross: Inselreisen. Halle a. S.: Niemayer. [REVIEW]H. D. R. W. - 1916 - The Classical Review 30 (2):58-58.
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    Fazit & Ausblick.Janna R. Wieland, Jule Korte, Carla J. Maier, Elise V. Bernstorff & Birgit Althans - 2019 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 28 (2):171-214.
    In diesem Fazit & Ausblick werden nun die in der Einleitung formulierten Themenfelder, in denen wir auch die Anschlüsse an Arbeiten und Forschungsgebiete der Historischen Anthropologie gegeben sahen, wieder aufgegriffen. Dies geschieht entlang von Aspekten, die durch die responses aufgeworfen wurden, und die wir hinsichtlich unserer Forschung zu Arenen transkultureller Bildung weiterdenken. Ein wichtiger Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den Transmissionseffekten, die sich im Forschungsprozess, auch unter Einbezug der responses, zwischen den Forschungsfeldern – den Arenen Theater und Schule – ergeben haben. (...)
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  28. R. Bernet, I. Kern and E. Marbach, "Edmund Husserl: Darstellung seines Denkens". [REVIEW]Thomas Nenon - 1993 - Husserl Studies 10 (2):151-158.
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    Zettel.A. R. Louch - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):98-100.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:98 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY quoted in great numbers. The other is Kern's philosophical competence and his skill in handling complex problems. The book is divided into two parts. Part I gives the reader a brief historical survey of Husserl's changing attitudes toward Kant and the neo-Kantians (especially Natorp and ttickert). Indicating the influences which shaped Husserl's thinking during the years of his studies at the universities of Berlin (...)
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    Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China. Edited by Yuri Pines, Paul R. Goldin, and Martin Kern.Garret Olberding - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (2).
    Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China. Edited by Yuri Pines, Paul R. Goldin, and Martin Kern. Sinica Leidensia, vol. 124. Leiden: Brill, 2015. Pp. viii + 348. €120, $152.
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    The Hellenica Oxyrhynchia - P. R. McKechnie, S. J. Kern : Hellenica Oxyrhynchia . Pp. iv+187; 7 maps. Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1988. £19.95. [REVIEW]Ronald A. Knox - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (2):231-232.
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    Ästhetische Wahrheit: das Problem der sinnlichen Negativität für Adornos Kunstkonzeption.Wonho Lee - 2021 - Paderborn: Brill / Wilhelm Fink.
    Für Adornos Ästhetik ist der Begriff der ästhetischen Wahrheit zentral. Durch ihn versucht Adorno die beiden repräsentativen modernen Ästhetiken, die Kants und die Hegels, dialektisch zu vermitteln. Kunstwerke sind nach Adorno einerseits (und darin mit Hegel übereinstimmend) Medium der Wahrheit, zugleich jedoch (und darin Kant folgend) nicht zu begreifen, sondern nur ästhetisch zu erfahren. Wonho Lee geht in ihrer detaillierten Studie dieser Doppelkonzeption nach und prüft auf diese Weise, ob Adornos Kunstkonzeption in ihrem systematischen Kern aufgeht. Obgleich das Ergebnis (...)
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    Die Idee der Verallgemeinerung in der Ethik: Eine Kritische Untersuchung der Moralphilosophischen Entwürfe von I. Kant, M.G. Singer Und R.M. Hare.Viktor Friesen - 2013 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Eine kritische Untersuchung der moralphilosophischen Entwürfe von 1. Kant, M. G. Singer und R. M. Hare -/- Der vorliegenden Untersuchung liegt die Überzeugung zugrunde, dass die Idee der Verallgemeinerung ein zentraler Bestandteil eines jeden an den Prinzipien der Vernunft orientierten Moralsystems ist. In theoretischer Hinsicht bildet ein morallogisches Verallgemeinerungspostulat unsere fundamentale Vorstellung von der Unparteilichkeit moralischer Vorschriften und der normativen Gesetzgebung beziehungsweise der Gleichheit aller Menschen bezüglich ihrer Rechte und Pflichten ab. Diese Vorstellung besagt im Kern, dass es ungerecht (...)
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    Si vis pacem, para pacem?: Friede durch internationale Organisation als Option für das 21. Jahrhundert.Michael Köhler & David Hössl (eds.) - 2007 - Frankfurt am Main [u.a.]: Lang.
    Die gegenwartigen Herausforderungen des internationalen Verhaltnisses sind Gemeingut: Gewalt zwischen und in Staaten, Bedrohung durch Massenvernichtungswaffen, der zunehmende globale Wirtschaftsverkehr. Durch sie ist souverane Staatlichkeit als Kern politischer Handlungsoptionen, rechtlicher Begriffsbildung und ihrer wissenschaftlichen Erfassung problematisch geworden. Oft erscheint der Ruckzug auf staatliche Selbstbehauptung oder die Einrichtung einer globalen Zwangsgewalt als einzige Losung. Welches Potential im Gegensatz dazu in dem auf Kant zuruckgehenden Gedanken internationaler Kooperation liegt, untersuchten Vertreter verschiedener Fachrichtungen im Rahmen der im Band dokumentierten interdisziplinaren Tagung des (...)
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  35. Husserl on the ego and its eidos (Cartesian Meditations, IV).Alfredo Ferrarin - 1994 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 32 (4):645-659.
    Husserl on the Ego and its Eidos (Cartesian Meditations, IV) ALFREDO FERRARIN THE THEORY OF the intentionality of consciousness is essential for Husserl's philosophy, and in particular for his mature theory of the ego. But it runs into serious difficulties when it has to account for consciousness's transcendental constitution of its own reflective experience and its relation to immanent time. This intricate knot, the inseparability of time and constitution, is most visibly displayed in Husserl's writings from the 192os up to (...)
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    XXXVIII. Schopenhauer-jahrbuch für Das jahr 1967.Philip Merlan - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):95-95.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 95 direction, it opens a field of pure philosophy, unencumbered by surds such as finite man. Only if the Phenomenology is taken as a monographic work on man can there be difficulty. Let us hasten to add that, on the very premises of his book, Loewenberg's criticism of Hegel is tentative rather than apodictic; its harshness is relieved through the dialogue form. And perhaps, the interlocutors will, (...)
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  37. Trust, anger, resentment, forgiveness: On blame and its reasons.R. Jay Wallace - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):537-551.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Philosophie der Mathematik.Thomas Bedürftig - 2015 - Berlin: De Gruyter. Edited by Roman Murawski.
    Dieses Werk gibt eine Einf hrung in philosophische Probleme und Hintergr nde des mathematischen Denkens und Sprechens, Lehrens und Lernens. Es wendet sich an Lehrende und Studierende der Mathematik und Philosophie. Ausgangspunkt und immer wieder Bezugspunkt sind die reellen Zahlen. In pointierterWeise werden mathematische und philosophische Probleme und Fragen vermerkt, die sich auf dem Weg zu ihnen stellen. Ein umfangreicher Abriss von Auffassungen aus der Geschichte der Mathematik und Philosophie bis hin zu aktuellen Str mungen bildet den Hintergrund f r (...)
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    Minimalbürger, Staatsbürger, Weltbürger.Otfried Höffe - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (3):205-222.
    Lange Zeit befa?te sich die Politische Philosophie vornehmlich mit sozialen Institutionen und Systemen. Die Politik erschien dabei als eine Auseinandersetzung mit Interessen und um Macht. Vernachl?ssigt wurden die Subjekte, von denen in Demokratien doch alle politische Gewalt ausgeht. Dieser Vernachl?ssigung steuert das Thema der B?rgeridentit?t entgegen. Das entscheidende Subjekt, den B?rger, darf man allerdings weder auf den B?rger im engeren Sinn, den Staatsb?rger, verk?rzen, noch bei diesem die B?rgertugenden vergessen. Selbst wer den Staatsb?rger f?r den wichtigsten Aspekt h?lt, darf die (...)
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  40. Reason and Value: Themes From the Moral Philosophy of Joseph Raz.R. Jay Wallace, Philip Pettit, Samuel Scheffler & Michael Smith (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    Reason and Value collects fifteen brand-new papers by leading contemporary philosophers on themes from the moral philosophy of Joseph Raz. The subtlety and power of Raz's reflections on ethical topics - including especially his explorations of the connections between practical reason and the theory of value - make his writings a fertile source for anyone working in this area. The volume honours Raz's accomplishments in the area of ethical theorizing, and will contribute to an enhanced appreciation of the significance of (...)
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  41. Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 125, 2003 Lectures.P. Marshall (ed.) - 2004 - British Academy.
    Fergus Kelly: Thinking in Threes: The Triad in Early Irish Literature Brian Pullan: Charity and Usury: Jewish and Christian Lending in Renaissance and Early Modern Italy Noel Malcolm: The Crescent and the City of the Sun: Islam and the Renaissance Utopia of Tommaso Campanella H. R. Woudhuysen: The Foundations of Shakespeare's Text J. G. A. Pocock: The Re-Description of Enlightenment Andrew Hadfield: Michael Drayton and the Burden of History Eric Foner: Abraham Lincoln: The Great Emancipator? Gillian Beer: Revenants and Migrants: (...)
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  42. Feeling and thinking: Closing the debate over the independence of affect.R. B. Zajonc - 2000 - In Joseph P. Forgas (ed.), Feeling and Thinking: The Role of Affect in Social Cognition. Cambridge University Press.
  43. Virtue, Reason, and Principle.R. Jay Wallace - 1991 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 21 (4):469-495.
    A common strategy unites much that philosophers have written about the virtues. The strategy can be traced back at least to Aristotle, who suggested that human beings have a characteristic function or activity, and that the virtues are traits of character which enable humans to perform this kind of activity excellently or well. The defining feature of this approach is that it treats the virtues as functional concepts, to be both identified and justified by reference to some independent goal or (...)
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    Mensch und Welt im Zeichen der Digitalisierung: Perspektiven der Philosophischen Anthropologie Plessners.Johannes F. Burow (ed.) - 2019 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Digitalisierung wird im vorliegenden Band aus der Theorieperspektive der Philosophischen Anthropologie Plessners betrachtet. Damit geht es im Kern darum, ob und inwieweit sich das Verhältnis von Mensch und Welt im Zeichen von Digitalisierung verändert. Die Verwendung unterschiedlicher Theoriefiguren, Thesen und Themenstellungen aus Plessners Werk erlaubt, die Vielfalt dessen, was mit Digitalisierung verbunden wird, zu systematisieren. Indem mit Plessner der Mensch verstanden wird als exzentrisch positionales Selbst, das Kognitives und Materiales verbindet, steht im Mittelpunkt, wie sich der Mensch eine Welt (...)
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    (1 other version)Moral Development and Moral Education.R. S. Peters - 1981 - Routledge.
    First published in 1981, this collection of essays was taken from Peters' larger work, Psychology and Ethical Development in order to provide a more focused volume on moral education for students. Peters' background in both psychology and philosophy makes the work distinctive, which is evident from the first two essays alone: 'Freud's theory of Moral Development in Relation to that of Piaget' and 'Moral Education and the Psychology of Character'. He also displays balance in his acceptance that reason and feeling (...)
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    Modified Weyl theory and extended elementary objects.W. Drechsler - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (12):1479-1497.
    To represent extension of objects in particle physics, a modified Weyl theory is used by gauging the curvature radius of the local fibers in a soldered bundle over space-time possessing a homogeneous space G/H of the (4, 1)-de Sitter group G as fiber. Objects with extension determined by a fundamental length parameter R0 appear as islands D(i) in space-time characterized by a geometry of the Cartan-Weyl type (i.e., involving torsion and modified Weyl degrees of freedom). Farther away from the domains (...)
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    Aristotle Ethica Eudemia.R. R. Walzer & J. M. Mingay (eds.) - 1991 - Clarendon Press.
    BLWith new text and full apparatus criticus The Eudemian Ethics was one of two ethical treatises which Aristotle wrote on the subject of ethica or `matters to do with character'. Although the two works cover much the same ground, the Nicomachean Ethics is better known; the poor manuscript tradition of the Eudemian Ethics has made correct translation and interpretation of the text extremely difficult. The subject of the work is the choice of a certain means of conduct, made by a (...)
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  48. Guest Editors' Introduction.Giacomo Bonanno, James Delgrande & Hans Rott - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 41 (1):1-5.
    The contributions to the Special Issue on Multiple Belief Change, Iterated Belief Change and Preference Aggregation are divided into three parts. Four contributions are grouped under the heading "multiple belief change" (Part I, with authors M. Falappa, E. Fermé, G. Kern-Isberner, P. Peppas, M. Reis, and G. Simari), five contributions under the heading "iterated belief change" (Part II, with authors G. Bonanno, S.O. Hansson, A. Nayak, M. Orgun, R. Ramachandran, H. Rott, and E. Weydert). These papers do not only (...)
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    el-Âlim ve’l-Müte‘allim’in Kaynak Kritiği, Semerkant’ta Yayılışı ve M'türîdî’deki İzleri.Metin Avcı - 2024 - Kader 22 (1):30-59.
    Hz. Peygamberin vefatıyla birlikte, hilâfet tartışması başta olmak üzere ashap birçok problemle karşı karşıya kalmış, sorunlar çözülmüş gibi görünse de bu dönem, sonradan ortaya çıkacak olan mezhep ve fırkaların oluşum sürecini tetiklemiştir. Hilâfetin ilk otuz yılında yaşanan olumsuz hadiselere, Emevî devletinin kurucusu Muâviye (ö. 60/680)’nin izlediği siyaset anlayışından kaynaklanan bazı olumsuzluklar da eklenince ümmet arasında fırkalaşma dönemi başlamıştır. Önce bazı Emevî sonra da bazı Abbasî halifelerinin yanlış uygulamalarına şahit olan Ebû Hanîfe (ö. 150/767), çözüm odaklı görüşleriyle ümmetin bu ihtilaf dönemine (...)
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    Out of Proportion? On Surveillance and the Proportionality Requirement.Kira Vrist Rønn & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (1):181-199.
    In this article, we critically scrutinize the principle of proportionality when used in the context of security and government surveillance. We argue that McMahan’s distinction from just warfare between narrow proportionality and wide proportionality can generally apply to the context of surveillance. We argue that narrow proportionality applies more or less directly to cases in which the surveilled is liable and that the wide proportionality principle applies to cases characterized by ‘collateral intrusion’. We argue, however, that a more demanding criterion (...)
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